Tuesday, July 26, 2016

2. Make Mexico pay for the wall. If Mexico refuses, then the United States will impound all remittance payments taken from the wages of illegal immigrants, cut foreign aid, institute tariffs, cancel visas for Mexican business leaders and diplomats, and increase fees for visas, border-crossing cards and port use.

This should have been added to the last post... I pretty much addressed the highlighted sentence in that post...

He could increase the fees and cancel visas, foreign aid, and institute tariffs, but what would that really accomplish...other than making people angry....

3. "If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again."

This is happening all on it's own..... We the People don't need his help on this one.... We just need to stand up for what we believe... not just every 4 years, but every day.....

Social media is such an amazing thing, and we should organize to make good things happen, not just bashing other people....

4. Get rid of Common Core because it's "a disaster" and a "very bad thing." Trump says he wants to give local school districts more control and might even eliminate the Department of Education.

I had to do some research I honestly  did not know what this was.... so I included this website in case there were others reading this that needed more info....

Common Core Explained...

You can't just do away with something without replacing it with something else.... I believe the schools need to increase the standards ... The school boards have dumbed down Text books and handcuffed teachers for years, since 1973 to my recollection.... now they have the hard job of fixing their errors.... Not an easy job.... 

So give us an idea how your going to fix this not just "I'm gonna get rid of Common Core"  Maybe this isn't a bad thing, it just needs to be revamped, realistically.....

5. The Environmental Protection Agency might also disappear.    

Our Mission

The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.
EPA's purpose is to ensure that:
  • all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work;
  • national efforts to reduce environmental risk are based on the best available scientific information;
  • federal laws protecting human health and the environment are enforced fairly and effectively;
  • environmental protection is an integral consideration in U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade, and these factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy;
  • all parts of society -- communities, individuals, businesses, and state, local and tribal governments -- have access to accurate information sufficient to effectively participate in managing human health and environmental risks;
  • environmental protection contributes to making our communities and ecosystems diverse, sustainable and economically productive; and
  • the United States plays a leadership role in working with other nations to protect the global environment.

This is not a bad thing, but maybe the head of this Agency needs to be replaced with someone with more integrity .... And also the people that have the job of inspecting locally, if there being a lazy, or corrupt.... Just because you work for the government doesn't mean you do the minimum to get by....  

Well that's enough for today.... Hope everyone has a great day.... And smile!!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Trumps Promises....

1. Build a wall along the southern border that's taller than the arenas where Trump holds his rallies, taller than any ladder and one foot taller than the Great Wall of China. This "artistically beautiful" wall will be constructed out of hardened concrete, re bar and steel, and it will be "the greatest wall that you've ever seen" -- so great that the nation will likely one day name it "The Trump Wall."

    O.K.   So this may not be the first in a long list of promises,  but we'll start here..... The common theme in Trumps promises are to spout off what he will do, but not tell us how he's going to accomplish this.... 
   You can't just take peoples money, which was one way he said he was going to do this.... by taking Mexicans paychecks....who are working in the U.S.   You can't just do this.... 

   People don't you understand, some doors you don't want opened?  Once they are cracked, it's so easy to kick them in.  Most of the Mexicans haven't committed a crime, other than wanting a better life for their family.  And the vast majority take jobs none of us, as Americans want to do... I mean seriously how many of you want to pick produce from a field?  How many of you want to be a housemaid??  

   Do any of you know of any other reasonable/rational ways Trump has said he is going to get this done?  Please enlighten me.... :) 

Oh, also sounds a bit egotistical to me.... Like he's a dictator or something..... 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

    I'm so tired of the lies.... and condemnation that goes on.... and I'm sure with all my heart it's the republicans doing..... because they wouldn't be able to win with out slandering other candidates rather than telling us why we should pick you..... and not just "I'm gonna make america great again" I want to know how they plan on doing this..... some detail please :)
    So far I have heard 3 or 4 things they keep harping on about Hillary..... and hundreds of things about Trump.... The Republicans are so busy trying to win, rather than doing what's best for the country.... This our lives people, not a football game....
   I'm not saying Hillary is the best person either, but I sure as heck am not gonna worry about being Nuked in the middle of the night, if she was president .... Trump is gonna open his mouth, or rather he already has with his hate rhetoric ... now our newly created enemy's are waiting to see if we're stupid enough to elect the idiot.... then they will know for sure America has gone off the rails....
   What got me started on this was the picture of the Obama's saluting the Flag with the wrong hand.... I knew that would never happen naturally.... and turns out someone had nothing better to do one night and so they decided to occupy their time with stirring up shit with Photo Shop ..... Such is the world today.... People are so bored that they have to get attention causing trouble.....
    Talking about your President the way people do these days is akin to airing your dirty laundry to your neighbors....  The U.S. is our house.... and other countries are our neighbors..... would you give your neighbors ammunition to cause trouble in your life??  Well we certainly have been... We need to clean our house the right way.... not use a big ol' fan to blow the dirt all over the neighbors yards so they can pick through our trash.... then come up with an off the wall reason why we don't deserve our house!!  
    I could go on and on.... anyone else want to add some stuff?? Something that might give me more information to work with, so I can make an informed decision for President, rather than an emotional one.....
    Intelligently please, not just hate speech, because that just shows how we have truly failed our children as far as their education is concerned.. Thank you, have a great day :)