Wednesday, August 3, 2016


So today watching the news ..... two things popped out....

The first was a story that caught my attention was the story that is being blown out of proportion is money being transferred to Iran..... and prisoners being released from Iran... I believe..... Now I remember back in the 70's, when there was the revolution and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over Iran, the U.S. seized their funds that were in our banks....    So I don't believe we paid a ransom for the prisoners.... we negotiated to release their funds back to them..... And I remember a big hub bub and up roar... because some of the people here (in the U.S.) saw that as one step closer to government if they could seize a foreign powers funds... how long before the government starts taking ours for what ever they deem reasonable to do so....    now I will say this was my interpretation of the situation 37 years ago.... in 1979.....  and I was young at the time, 24 years old....

Now the other story was Donald Trumps interpretation of what he thinks women should do if their being harassed at work, by what he believes he daughter would do.....

Does he realize what the real world is like?  Does he know that a lot of women are the soul support of their homes, for their families.. and you can't just quit.... It is just crazy how out of touch with the average women he is...... even two parent households/two people households,  need two incomes to make ends meet..... Of course Trumps daughter, and other people on his team are trying once again trying to smooth things over...

Now I have a big question.... who is going to be running our country if he gets elected?? The Donald.... his kids????  his team trying to get him elected.... this whole thing reminds me of a movie, where a puppet, or front man is elected, and all these other nefarious people that couldn't get elected on a bet are actually going to make the decisions.... kinda scary to me....

Anyway those are my thoughts on the two news headlines that caught my attention today....

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