Saturday, August 13, 2016

Ok..... So this will be on the politics of the justice system.....

I was watching "48 Hours" tonight... it was about a woman that was killed by her boyfriend... the woman worked for weight watchers... and the boyfriend was an Ivy League educated Lawyer....
One of the biggest things that stick in my craw, besides the fact that this lovely woman was murdered by her boyfriend,  was the defense trying to get this guy off on an Explosive Anger defense... because of his horrible childhood, and his mother abandoning him....  Now this isn't the first time I've heard bad people using their "horrible childhood" as a defense..  I believe this is a cop out... I myself had a horrible childhood.... but other than a few quirks that I have, and some depression... I don't go around killing people....  Your child hood you have no control of... but when you become an adult, your choices are your own....  That's not to say that there aren't crimes of passion... but those are things that happen at that moment...  not planned...

That's not to say that there aren't people with mental illnesses, and it really doesn't matter how they were brought up, they have problems... and hopefully that would be recognized earlier in their life and treated... Nothing is 100%....

In a perfect world, right.... people would all accept responsibility for their actions.... and all people would get the help they need....

Anyway that's my short little rant ....
Have a great day....

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